Fourth Grade

Sandy Glashower – Fourth Grade



Amazon Wish List link for Sandy’s classroom: Sandy Glashower

Details about ordering on Amazon:

  • Feel free to select the Gift Registry Address to have item(s) shipped directly to Heritage or ship to more than one address if you are ordering items for multiple teachers.
  • If you’d like to add a note so we know who made the donation, please select ‘Gift Options’ under Step 2 in the checkout process.

Beth VanBaren – Fourth Grade


Bio:  I was born and raised in Byron Center, Michigan. I attended grade school at Adams Christian School and  High School at Covenant Christian. I graduated from Grand Valley State University in 1992, where I received a Bachelor’s degree with a major in History and a minor in English. I went on later to complete my Elementary Education Certification. My family and I still live in the Byron Center area, and I attend Unity Protestant Reformed Church. I am so thankful to be part of the Heritage family.

Amazon Wish List link for Beth’s classroom: Mrs. Van Baren’s Classroom Wish List

Details about ordering on Amazon:

  • Feel free to select the Gift Registry Address to have item(s) shipped directly to Heritage or ship to more than one address if you are ordering items for multiple teachers.
  • If you’d like to add a note so we know who made the donation, please select ‘Gift Options’ under Step 2 in the checkout process.

Jane Woudenberg – Fourth Grade


Classes Taught: Fourth grade, Fifth/Sixth grade Choir


Bio: I am blessed to be teacher here at Heritage Christian. I live in Grand Rapids, and grew up just down the hill from my grade school, Adams Christian. As a child, I was privileged and blessed to grow up in a loving Christian family.  I enjoy music, and I love to travel and experience different cultures. I’m a  member of First Protestant Reformed Church in Grand Rapids.

I love the students that I teach, and am happy to team up with parents to prepare their children for service to God and His Kingdom. I’m grateful to be a part of the Christian community at HCS.

I received my B.A. in Elementary Education as well as my M.A. in reading instruction, both from Calvin College.

Amazon Wish List link for Jane’s classroom: Jane Woudenberg

Details about ordering on Amazon:

  • Feel free to select the Gift Registry Address to have item(s) shipped directly to Heritage or ship to more than one address if you are ordering items for multiple teachers.
  • If you’d like to add a note so we know who made the donation, please select ‘Gift Options’ under Step 2 in the checkout process.

Hot Lunch

Hot lunch ordering is now done online each month. The ordering window is posted in the weekly memo. If the window is missed, hot lunch is not available for the month. It’s a good idea to read the memo so that you don’t miss out! Please call the school office with questions. Link to order:

Yearly Student Supply List

Click 2023-24 Supply List to download the supply list for the 2023-24 school year. 


Fair Information

Each year our school operates a restaurant at the Hudsonville Community Fair. This year’s Fair dates are August 21-26. The Fair Committee is so thankful for the enthusiastic participation they see at the fair every year. Sign Up Genius is open for signing up to work this year! Thank you! Heritage Christian School has truly wonderful supporters.  Your donations and willing helpful hands make our job easy, and make the fair restaurant so much fun.

Information regarding the Fair: 2023 Fair Information

MAP Test Explanation

Click MAP Progress Report  for an explanation of your student’s MAP test reports.

HCS Grading Policy

Click GRADING POLICY for the current grading policy for Heritage Chr. School

PR School Federation Webpage

Click  for the Federation of Protestant Reformed School Societies Webpage. The purpose of The Federation of Protestant Reformed School Societies is to deal with those matters pertaining to Protestant Reformed School Societies in common. They aim to attain cooperation and coordination between schools, provide seminars, seek ways and means for a more thorough training of teachers and prospective teachers in Christian principles, and give recommendations in the areas of teacher contracts, salaries, pensions, insurance, etc.

Tuition Information

Tuition collected from families accounts for nearly 80% of our revenue. Other sources supplement the budget including Fundraisers, church collections, and deficit drives. The Board has adopted the following tuition policy to ensure that families are doing all they can to meet their obligations:


In order to enroll children, parents must read this policy and agree to abide by its provisions.
1. Enrollment for the next school year should occur on or before June 15. The first payment is required before July 14. A late enrollment fee of $20.00 will be assessed returning families if enrollment is late.
2. A minimum amount of 1/10 of the current year tuition must be paid at enrollment time, with the balance of the tuition and all other fees to be paid before July 1 of the following year. The Board strongly encourages monthly payments of tuition, September through May of each school year, to meet the operating needs of the school and to prevent sizable unpaid tuition balances.
3. The payment in full of any prior commitment is required by July 1. If unable to pay this obligation by July 1, parents should secure funds by a loan or other means or contact their diaconate so all prior balances with the school are retired. If unable to obtain the necessary funds to fulfill this obligation, parents must request a meeting with the Finance Committee prior to enrollment, otherwise their child(ren) may not be admitted to school at the beginning of the next school year.
4. Late monthly payments, or late agreed to payments, will result in the Finance Committee taking the following action:
a) After 60 days without payment or the delinquent tuition outstanding exceeds $2,000, and parents have not contacted the Finance Committee, a reminder letter will be sent to parents.
b) After 90 days without payment or the delinquent tuition outstanding exceeds $2,000, and parents have not contacted the Finance Committee, a second reminder letter will be sent. A letter will also be sent to the family’s diaconate, appraising it of the family’s situation and balance due.
c) After 120 days without payment or the delinquent tuition outstanding exceeds $2,000, and parents have not made a request to meet with the Finance Committee, a letter will be sent to parents stating that their child(ren) will be subject to dismissal from school if their past due balance is not paid. A copy of the letter will also be sent to their diaconate.
5. If a family’s last child is enrolled as a 8th grade student, payment of tuition and all fees must be made in full by June 1 of the graduation year unless prior arrangements have been made with the Finance Committee.
6. Periodic statements of tuition outstanding will be mailed to all parents throughout the school year.
The tuition obligations for the 2022/2023 school year are:


(2023-2024 school year)


Without BusWith Bus
One in Kindergarten$5,326$6,061
One in Grades$8,009$9,234
Two in School$10,246$11,471
Three in School$12,216$13,441
Four or more in School$14,116$15,341