Fair Info and News

Fair Information

Each year our school operates a restaurant at the Hudsonville Community Fair. This summer’s Fair dates are August 19-24, 2024. The Fair Committee is so thankful for the enthusiastic participation they see at the fair every year. Heritage Christian School has truly wonderful supporters.  Your donations and willing helpful hands make our job easy, and make the fair restaurant so much fun.

WE STILL NEED WORKERS!!!! We have many open positions yet. See this document for current openings: 2024 Open Fair Positions – Google Drive

Can you help with any of these openings? Sign Up Genius is no longer available, so PLEASE contact a Fair Committee member to sign up: 616-304-6076. 


SERVERS AND CASHIERS!! Please review your procedures and expectations by watching the following videos before your shifts. Thank you for your help!

Thank you for your support of the Fair fundraiser! 2023 funds raised helped to support lower tuition costs, support outside activities, improve technology and library access, and so much more!